AR津波カメラは、建物の前などの地面に立ち、例えば高さ10mの津波がどこまで到達するか、それをスマートフォンの拡張現実AR(Augmented Reality)機能を使って「実感」するために作られました。実際、東日本大震災により発生した巨大な津波は、高層建築物の3~4階部分にまで到達し、甚大な被害を発生させています。この「高さ」を実感することで、日頃から防災意識を高め、迅速かつ適切な避難行動に結びつけられればと考えています。
This application is for realizing the height of tsunami by AR (Augmented Reality). Users can see the "height of tsunami" by setting the eye sight and height of tsunami. This application is designed to let the people know the "actual height of tsunami" based on real experiences of 3.11 the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake.
How to use
1.Start the application.
2.Input the height of tsunami you want to show.
3.Input your own height.
4.Input the distance of the object (usually, “object” is a wall of building standing in front of you) as precise as possible if you use can use a measuring tape.
5.Set or determine a target (e.g. cross mark) on the wall at an arbitrary height.
6.Hold your smartphone in an upright position at your eye height then tap the first cross with the target on the wall.
7.Tap the second cross appeared 1/8 above the bottom of the screen with the same target on the wall. While you are tapping these two crosses, never change the holding height of your smart phone, only to change the angle of it.
8.Tsunami in blue appears and will be projected on the wall. Do not change the holding position of your smartphone only to change the angle and viewing direction while you see the “tsunami”.